Low Back And Neck Hernia

Neck and lower back pain are among the most common pains. Cervical and Lumbar hernia are among the spine problems that come first among the causes of neck and lower back pain.

What is cervical and lumbar hernia?

Herniated disc occurs when the discs are compressed between the vertebrae that form the backbone of the neck or lumbar region on the spinal cord and nerves that leave the spinal cord due to damage, tearing or slipping.

What are the causes of hernia?

The fluid content of the discs decreases over time and age. This reduces the durability of the disc. This can be caused by lifting heavy weights, sudden waist movements, standing or sitting for extended periods of time, and exposure to shocks such as falling, causing herniated disc.

Although herniated disc is more common in the middle and advanced age groups, it can be seen in young adults and even children. Although it is of equal proportions in men and women, the risk of seeing it due to being overweight in a short time increases as it happens during pregnancy. Being overweight is an important risk factor for hernia. In addition, smoking causes fluid loss by disrupting the nutrition of discs and increases the risk of herniated disc. It also lengthens the healing process. There are other risk factors that cause herniation, such as working on the desk for a long time (office work), driving for long periods of time, a less mobile lifestyle, making difficult movements and activities, and engaging in inappropriate sporting activities.

Muscle weakness around the spine, trunk muscles, and abdomen increases the load on the discs. For this reason, in addition to avoiding the above mentioned risk factors to prevent herniated disc, it is very important to do exercises and sports that strengthen the muscles of the waist, abdomen and back.

What are the symptoms of hernia?

The most important symptom of hernia is pain that extends from the waist to the leg in the event that the hernia is in the lumbar region in the lower back, but in the case of hernia in the cervical region, the patient feels pain in the neck and extends to the arm. The pain is present in a specific direction. Either the pain is in the limbs or leg on the right or left side. Patients often report this to the doctor. However, these symptoms may not appear in all patients with herniated disc. Sometimes it can be completely painless and at first the pain can only be seen in the lower back or localized pain in the neck. The pain can usually spread across the back to the leg, hip, knee, or even the heel in the event of hernia in the lumbar vertebrae, but if the  herniated disc in the cervical vertebrae, the patient’s pain may extend through the shoulder and arm to the forearm, palm and fingers. In situations that increase spine pressure, such as coughing, sneezing and tension, pain can worsen.

Symptoms such as numbness, burning, and tingling may also be added to pain in one or both legs or in the arm, depending on the area where the herniated disc occurred. These symptoms are caused by pressure hernias on the nerves of the leg or the nerves of the arm. In cases of severe nerve compression in the level of the lumbar spine, other neurological problems may occur such as weakness in the leg, ankle and foot muscles, difficulty in walking, incontinence, and loss of sexual function. If pressure is at the level of the cervical spine, we may see movement problems of arm and hand.

Because of pain, stiffness and functional impairment, the patient begins to experience difficulties in everyday activities such as sitting and walking or using his hand normally.

How is a  hernia diagnosed?

Herniated disc problems are diagnosed by the patient’s medical history and physical and neurological examination, as well as imaging methods such as x-rays, magnetic resonance imaging or CT (computerized tomography). In some cases, neurological exams called EMG (electrocardiogram) may be required.

What are the ways to treat slipped disc or herniated disc?

In the event that slipping or herniated disc does not cause major problems in terms of loss of muscle strength, incontinence and stool, it does not require urgent surgical intervention. In general, a large percentage of patients can be treated without the need for surgical intervention.

The first step in treating herniated disc is comfort. However, since it is understood that long-term relief may have negative effects in the treatment of herniated disc, the maintenance of rest is important to the success of the treatment.

Pain relievers and muscle relaxation treatments are often used in the treatment of neck or lower back hernia. Also, medications containing corticosteroids can be used under the supervision of a doctor if necessary. In some cases, it may be necessary to use the neck collar temporarily.

Physio therapeutic methods are used in patients with herniated disc, who have no improvement in previous treatments and measures or who have severe stress. For this purpose, hot, ultrasound, pain relief, muscle strengthening and massage treatments, manual therapy, high-intensity laser therapy and dry needles are applied.

As complementary and supportive treatment methods, acupuncture, neurotherapy, cup therapy (cupping) and ozone therapy can also be used to treat neck hernia.

Epidurals and nerve blocks can also be applied to the lumbar region to relieve pain.

DRX-9000 Spine Decompression Therapy is an effective treatment method for neck hernia as well as for herniated disc in the lumbar and neck area. Where the process of pulling the spine in a deliberate manner in order to reduce pressure on the level of the affected disk.


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